Current date/time is Thu May 09, 2024 9:00 pm

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Here are the forum rules that you have to follow:1) No Advertising Do not advertise other forums on our forums here. For example, IS NOT a website, but another FORUM. Giving out other forum names which have to do with NFM will result in instant message/post deletion and a warning at first hand. If it is continued by the same person or group, consider yourselves banned; but dont ask about the length, it will be determind be the admins and on how much you did advertise.Advertising another forum by the 'Website' field in a user's profile WILL NOT result in a ban or warning however.How to tell between a forum and a website?-A forum would have categories and various topics on the HOMEPAGE of the forum itself. A website wouldnt have topics, just notes on the homepage.-A forum is a place of information exchange with other people: example: using e-mail with many other people; you can send a message whenever you want and can be viewed and answered by any1 else whenever you/they want. A website is based on the same thing, but is more inclined towards a MORE SOCIABLE view of things; with more features example blogs and uploadable/downloadable files, which a forum like this can not perform.2) Posting Issues:-No Double Posts/Posting: for all those new people on this site, double posting is not a method of getting someone banned, but a way of spamming up the forum. To avoid such a thing; please edit your last post with the extra detail, provide a reason and tell the last person you were conversing with that your post was edited - if that person didn't see it.-No Flaming: clearly no one on this site can just flame just like that at someone. If you hate someone on this forum, dont show it, just go on with life; everyone has a right to be stupid if not wrong; life isn't perfect and neither are you. Misusing foul language will lead to a ban; although saying a vulgar word once in a while will not result in a ban/warning; there's nothing wrong in doing it as long as you use it to explain what you mean and do not abuse the chance of using it.-No Trolling: to troll means in basic internet slang terms; to go off topic or post unneccessary stuff that once again, doesn't either have to do with the topic at hand or just to provoke others to do other stuff; act emotionally or maybe in a way misuse the topic for inflamatory purposes (similar to flaming). This is another way of spamming up a topic; there is the same system of a warning then a ban here.ALL THE ABOVE RESULT IN SPAMMING!3) Stealing of someone's work [Codes]We are aware of those people who like to take 'codes' as we call them and never credit or take notice of the real creator/author/owner of the stolen code/script. We will not bother to write down a list of people who have done this sort of misuse so that you should look out for them; they can come in any username, so its not worth it to mention names - only trust people who you know will do the right thing: people you may trust on this forum so far are the admins and moderators. The moderator on this forum is my brother (of InhumanPwnage), Kronos, who you can always trust.We leave it now all up to you, whoever you want, go ahead and share your work, but us admins will not take action unless you take action yourselves if you found some1 taking your work or codes in this case. Time and time again have we, administrators, seen our own work being forged or been stolen by others and just can't stand it; just giving warnings.THIS IS THE ONLY RULE WHICH WILL RESULT IN A STRAIGHT BAN IF CAUGHT WITHOUT CREDITING THE CREATOR!Well theres the rules! Special thanks to AIM,AIM,AIM,and AIM!